Pacific BioLabs is ISO Certified as a Testing Services Supplier

Pacific BioLabs is using A2LA, one of the world’s largest industrial testing and certification companies, as our accredited registrar. We are an ISO 17025:2017 accredited testing lab.  ISO certification is all about an attitude and commitment towards our customers. ISO certification requires a complete quality management system. By thinking in terms of an organized system as we each do our jobs, we behave in ways that support each other in the system. Everyone at PACIFIC BIOLABS is part of the ISO certification experience — marketing, sales, research and development, customer service, testing, shipping, receiving. It is a company-wide way of doing business that puts the customer and his or her needs at the center of all we do. ISO certification is not a one-time event – it is just the first step in on-going continuous quality improvement.

  1. What is ISO?
  2. What are Standards?
  3. ISO Certification Means…
  4. Why Become ISO Certified?
  5. Pacific BioLabs’ ISO Certificates

What is ISO?

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from over 90 countries. The purpose of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related world activities to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific and economic activity.

What are Standards?

The ISO family of standards represents an international consensus on good manufacturing practices that ensures that the organization can deliver, time and time again, the products or services that meet the customer’s needs.

When an organization has a receives ISO certification or accreditation, it means that an independent auditor has checked that the processes influencing quality conform to the relevant standards’ requirements. The objective is to give an organization’s management and its customer’s confidence that the organization is in control of the way it does things.

International Standards were created to facilitate trade, exchange and technology transfer through enhanced reliability and effectiveness of the goods and services we use.

While no organization must be ISO certified, it is fast becoming the standard for conducting business in the international arena. In fact, ISO quality certifications are the only quality system accepted internationally. The big three auto manufacturers and many other US based companies have implemented quality management systems that conform to ISO standards. Some U.S. government agencies, including FDA, are using the standards as guidelines within the agency.

ISO Accreditation Means…

  1. The acceptability standards for our testing are written.
  2. We perform our test services using written standard operating procedures.
  3. We use trained and qualified people.
  4. We use calibrated instruments.
  5. All our equipment is preventively maintained.
  6. We look for ways to improve our services.
  7. We find and correct errors systematically.
  8. We ask customers for improvement suggestions.
  9. All testing results are checked.
  10. Independent audits are performed.
  11. Event trending is performed to help correct root causes.

Why Become ISO Certified?

ISO certification guides companies in building quality into its products and services and helps to avoid costly after-the-fact inspections, warranties and rework. As a customer of PACIFIC BIOLABS, you can be confident that you will benefit from:

  1. Services designed to meet your needs and ensure your satisfaction;
  2. A team of trained employees performing consistently and with the goal of improving all operations; and
  3. Our commitment to you to do what we say we will do.
  4. This means that we will get the testing done when we say as well as provide written test reports that are correct—first time, every time.


PBL is an ISO 17025:2017 accredited testing lab.  You can view the ISO 17025:2017.

Pacific BioLabs